Aug 17, 2011

Check out a Blog for religious educators and U.U.s in general

I have been wantiong a place to give some comments and thoughts surrounding my professional areas of interest and expertise.  The site is called UUresource and it is a resource for U.U.s and an R.E. source.  R.E. stands for religious education and U.U for Unitarian Universalist.  I feel sheepish here on a Blogger sight directing folk to Wordpress but I was eager to familiarize myself with their features.  So far it has seemed to be a lot of the same stuff but achieved using a more intimidating interface system.  But we shall see as time goes on since they certainly boast a great deal of functionality.  I believe it will offer access to resources and conversations that will interest and prove valuable to other religious professionals, U.U. parents, and volunteers.

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