Feb 6, 2012

More of my Father's Work

My father passed away last week and we had a memorial service on February 3rd at the UU Church of Lancaster in Lancaster , PA.  While I was home for the service I got some pictures of some of my Dad's creative work that I haven't photographed or posted previously.  The first set are all of a miniature scale model church my dad made for me and gave me on my 16th birthday.  I had felt called to the ministry from a young age and so he made me a church which even had my name printed on the wayside pulpit as the minister.  The entire model stands slightly over a foot tall.

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts, for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
 for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts, for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts, for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Miniature church by Donald L. Roberts,
for his son Ralph Yeager Roberts

Following the pictures of the scale model miniature church are a selection of Dad's paintings and illustrations.  The water colors are done on paper in a dry brush style.  The one of my sister Donna's Cottage in Mount Gretna Pennsylvania was one he did only a couple years ago.  He was having difficulty controlling his brush for the past ten years or so which prevented him from continuing to work in oils which had always been his primary medium.  He was frustrated with watercolors in recent years and mostly restricted his artistic attempts to did pen and ink illustrations.  This makes the painting of the cottage special since he wasn't even doing water colors anymore but made an exception for this piece.  Ironically it is in my opinion his best water color.
The oil painting of the woman posing with a leg on a stool is in oils and was done before I was born.  It is on canvas paper.  The portrait in pencil is of my mother Joan Y. Roberts.  The other watercolor is from a photo taken of my mother during a trip she and Dad took to the Bahamas in the late 70s.
By Donald L. Roberts

By Donald L. Roberts

By Donald L. Roberts

By Donald L. Roberts
Finally I have included photos of some miniature buildings dad made.  The are scale models showing the facade of three buildings in Lancaster PA.  One is of Wheatland the historic home of President James Buchanan.  In the other picture you can see his models of the Fulton Opera House and the house at 334 Coral St. which my parents owned and rented as apartments (my sister Patty used to live there) but when I was in 6th grade they moved into the building combining the two units as a single residence.  Unfortunately he didn't include the other structure on the same plot as the Coral street house.  The other building was a single story building that originally had a bakery and in the basement was a barber shop.  This building they made a small apartment which my brother Kevin lived in for years including the time when mom and dad and I lived on coral Street. (that could have been explained with greater clarity, do forgive the quick and unrefined verbiage)
By Donald L. Roberts

By Donald L. Roberts

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